
All of the following are set forth in the present time based on our intent set forth here and launching it into realization .

Declaration in the process of formation and improvement of life building.




3. FAIR ECONOMY (People’s Sovereign Economy – PSE UHME)





1.1. Goals of the UHME

1.1.1. Perception of the Worldview of the UHME:

Understanding of our Planet Mother Earth as a Single Whole organism, and all of humanity as cells in an organism. It is this understanding and Perception of the World that helps Humanity to realize the need for Unity and interaction in cooperation, mutual assistance and mutual support, thus forming moral and ethical values that lead us from a parasitic existence to a Creative one and set the following tasks for us:

1.1.2. We stop the race for money, the arms race and the race for pleasure, provide an opportunity for self-improvement in reasonable individual self-sufficiency!

1.1.3. In the future, we come to the world of Life without money, establish, protect, and preserve a fair, transparent exchange of labor and material benefits.

1.1.4. We are building a New World without violence against people and nature, a world without competition, a world without alcohol, tobacco and drugs, a world without suffering and injustice, a world without greed and crime!

1.1.5. The main values are:

  • Human life,
  • Nature and its inhabitants,
  • Mother Earth,
  • Divine Providence.

1.1.6. The goal of Humanity is to live in Harmony with the entire Universe, in Love, Brotherhood and in Altruism principles.

1.1.7. Mission and  goals of the UHME –  establish harmonious relations in Harmony between people, between people and nature, between people and the God  Creator.

1.1.8. One of the main goals is the harmonization of masculine and feminine energy in each person, where balanced men and women build a harmonious and prosperous Society based on happy families!


There is masculine and feminine energy in every man and woman. Violation of their balance leads to the degradation of their inner qualities, which distorts the Nature-like inter-nesting of the male and female principles.

A woman with inflated masculine energy is not able to perform masculine tasks as an energetically correctly balanced man does. A man with inflated feminine energy is not able to perform feminine tasks as an energetically correctly balanced woman does. The distorted energy imbalance of a man and a woman in terms of their masculine and feminine energy is the root of all problems in modern society.

1.1.9. When we, as the united Humanity, reach a state of complete sufficiency of Spiritual and Moral Education and Awareness of Unity, harmony with the entire Universe, replacing money with a fair and transparent indicator of the labor norm, then:

  • We come to the New World of Justice in Harmony with each other and between all the Peoples of the Planet Mother Earth, thereby preserving, protecting, coordinating their Traditions, Culture and Ways of Life with each other.
  • In the New World, everyone has a material basic income for a decent and sufficient life in self-improvement, where the concepts of “rich and poor” move into the sphere of the soul and spirit and depend on efforts in the self-improvement of everyone!
  • In the New World, everyone is important, everyone is God’s creation, everyone makes their own contribution to the Divine Providence of the Planet Mother Earth!!

1.2. Management and  administration , Self-Government.

1.2.1. Self-government is carried out on the basis of the following principles: Truth, Justice, cooperation, mutual support and mutual assistance.

1.2.2. All socially significant decisions are made by reaching an agreement by all voting participants on the basis of COP LAW. (   COP LAW  is the law of managing and making decisions by the best, honest and fair entrepreneurs from the people council and discussing all political, social and everyday issues by gathering in a circle of wise men )

1.2.3. Each person who has received the right to govern is an elected administrator according to Cop Law . In cases of inability to perform the tasks of the manager efficiently and conscientiously, he is re-elected, from the moment of making a decision on this, to a more effective manager, this is determined by the decision of the appropriate circle of authorized managers, if necessary, with a council with an advisory right to vote, or transfers management of his own free will.

1.2.4. Each manager has an individual obligation to engage in physical labor in addition to his mental activity for the purpose of his personal harmonization and balance , so his labor activity is divided into the time of mental labor and the time of physical labor in order to preserve the spiritual and moral balance of the person himself, since physical labor ennobles a person. “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” The form and mode of this harmonization and balance are chosen by the manager independently.

1.2.5. The goal of any Self-Government is the Good and Self-Improvement of all earthlings.

1.2.6. Self-government is carried out in the communities that are in the Union on the basis of cross-membership.

1.2.7. The delimitation and distribution of competencies, powers, and the election of community administrators are carried out at the following territorial levels: local, district, regional, country, mainland and global.

1.2.8. Managers of each higher level are elected and dismissal by elected managers of the lower level.

1.2.9. Managers of any higher level in emergency critical cases receive the right to take part in decision-making of lower levels with the right to vote, if they are called to do so.

1.2.10. Managers of any higher level in emergency critical cases, when delay is unacceptable, receive the right to make decisions independently for execution by lower levels until the situation is corrected, after which these powers are removed and transferred to the usual format, where lower levels independently make decisions in their tasks, while at the request of the people, according to the COP Law, any managers are re-elected at the same time as this decision is made.

1.2.11. The supreme governing body of the United Humanity of Mother Earth is the Circle of Rulers elected by the COP Law with the right to vote on decision-making under the Council of the Wise, approved by them from the TRADE UNION STRUCTURES with the right of deliberative vote. The main function of the Circle of Rulers and the Councils of the Wise is to assess the expediency of making managerial decisions at all levels, to determine the tactics and strategy of the development of Humanity, to identify threats to the development of Humanity, to form the Life building and to approve this for implementation by the Circle of Rulers.


Since at the moment there is no structure of governing members according to the Law of COP, the powers of the Supreme Governing Body are exercised by the circle of creators of the movement of United Humanity Mother Earth until the moment of its solution of the task of creating and establishing the structure of the Life Building according to the COP Law and the transfer of its powers to this structure according to the Law of COP.

1.2.12. Re-education:

The basis for the re-education of offenders and criminals is the local level collectives, where these violators are located, who, at the initial level of re-education, are always taken on mutual responsibility by their collectives. And only if the offender is not able to re-educate himself in the circle of his collective, then he is sent by the decision of the management of his collective to a special re-education center.


The method of inhumane violent and forceful re-education by the collective of its violators is strictly prohibited!   Such collectives are subject to penalties and punishments adopted by the decision of the higher management of this collective, and the instigators in them, if necessary, are sent to special re-education centers.

1.2.13. In case of committing any gross offenses or criminal actions in relation to any person, as well as to animals and nature, intentional infliction of harm to objects of public property or life, when preliminary re-education in the collectives where these violators live and work was unsuccessful, it is envisaged to send these violators to distribution centers, where specialists in the field of psychology and psychiatry,  Spiritual masters and human rights activists determine which of the re-education centers to send the offender to.

1.2.14. Centers for re-education of offenders are classified according to the degree of complexity of violations, the degree of danger of the offender and the degree of readiness to reorganize the offender himself.

1.2.15. The purpose of these centers is to re-educate the offender in accordance with moral and ethical values and return him to society as a full-fledged person who is ready to interact in society for the benefit of everyone and himself. In case of incorrigibility of the offender, his stay in the re-education center is preserved, while he, like all people, undertakes to work in the re-education center and receive training and all the necessary knowledge on an equal footing with everyone else, preserving human conditions of existence.

1.3 Information.

1.3.1. The right of ownership of information and means of communication belong to all earthlings, and each person individually bears full responsibility for information activity or misinformation, false information or any other information messages leading people to disunity, condemnation, causing embitterment  or arouse hostility, negativity or perjury.

1.3.2. Information and sources of information are under special control of the Supreme Circle of Rulers under the Council of Sages and Managers.

1.3.3. Censorship and filtering of information is under the responsibility of the Supreme Circle of Rulers under the Council of Sages , the Information is perceived as food for the mind, which can be useful or harmful. The volume and quality of information received is controlled for the benefit of supporting the spiritual and moral state of the people according to moral and ethical values.

1.3.5. Information is accessible and open to all peoples, with information security taken into account.

1.3.6. Community governing bodies regularly report on the achievement of their main goals and activities.

1.3.7. Open access to general information about the activities of the Communities and its governing bodies, except for state and commercial secrets.

1.3.8. Ubiquitous dissemination of information about the need to unite people, the transition of society from competition to cooperation, information about cooperation and the advantage of self-management and self-organization.

1.3.9. Provision of information without payment.

1.3.10. Our slogans:

  • Everyone for one and each one for Everyone !
  • If you want for yourself do for everyone !
  • An idea without doing is nothing !
  • Connect and manage !
  • Common above personal !
  • It’s time for the New World – it’s the World of Altruism !


2.1 Education


2.1.1. Absence of exploitation of man by man.

2.1.2. Priority of Conscience, Honor, Justice, Coherence, respect for the Cultures, Traditions and rules of ancestors of proper people and other peoples.

2.1.3. A member of any community treats others as he/she would like others to treat him/her in accordance with moral and ethical values.

2.1.4. Cooperation, mutual assistance, mutual support, for the common good and self-improvement.

2.1.5. Careful attitude to oneself, to each other, to the earth, care for future generations. All decisions made in any community are evaluated from the point of view of their impact on the well-being of Nature and Man.

2.1.6. Respectful and careful attitude to animal birds and all inhabitants of the planet and the same attitude to the Earth.

2.1.7. Healthy and sober way of life, keeping clean the ecology of Mother Earth’s Nature, ecology of human spirit, soul and body is the basis of life.

2.1.8. The purpose of the Life of Humanity on Planet Earth is the continuation of the Human Race on Earth as a reasonable and divine creature, which strives to develop the qualities of God in itself, creating and cooperating with all living Universe, the formation of humanity as a part of the Whole Unified Organism in accordance with the plan of the One Creator in harmony and balance with the Nature of Mother Earth and its inhabitants !!!!

2.1.9. Freedom of Will of every sane Man is the highest value on the path of Spiritual Ascent, which excludes violence and degradation, where Cooperation, Mutual Respect, Mutual Understanding, Mutual Support and Mutual Aid help to form Altruistic Man capable of Protecting, Preserving and Perfecting this World in accordance with the Divine Plan !!!

2.2 Education

2.2.1. Improvement of bodily, mental, spiritual health of humans through Upbringing and Education gradually and step by step.

2.2.2. Prepare a Spiritualized environment in the people through centers of Spiritual development ! To prepare the People for the New World, we create Educational Centers of Mastery: Spiritual and Moral Education of people of all ages!

2.2.3. We create training programs of continuing education for specialists of different levels of ability.

2.2.4. We open training centers – New Education, teachers of the New World help all people to readjust their consciousness, world understanding and Worldview, to find their place in the New Society of Creators, where there is no place for competition.

2.2.5 We form Centers of Mastery of spiritual , moral and ethical nurturing of Man, which is the foundation of a Healthy Society. These centers are opening all over the world!

2.2.6. Upbringing and Education becomes the foundation for every person, which every person receives regardless of age!

2.2.7. The purpose of the Educational Centers of Mastery is to prepare a person for a good interaction in the society, in the process of training a person determines in what sphere of activity he is able to bring maximum benefit to the society doing his favorite work and forming himself into a more perfect person, improving his natural qualities. We make every effort to preserve the Traditions and Culture of all peoples, preserve and multiply the heritage of the Ancestors, as well as educate children with their Ancestral Tradition and Cultural Heritage.

2.2.8. In educational centers we teach the basics of creating a family, the subtleties of interaction, cooperation with people of different cultures, building harmonious and balanced relationships, respect for nature and animals.

2.2.9. Educational activity as creation of centers of spiritual and moral formation, centers of professional development, centers of education of teachers in all spheres, scientific and technical centers, centers of inventions, developments and innovations, centers of agriculture and animal husbandry, centers of formation of specialists in all directions necessary for humanity in the concept of Nature-type thinking.

2.2.10. Propaganda of a healthy, sober way of life, of keeping pure the ecology of Mother Earth’s Nature, the ecology of the human spirit, soul and body, which is the basis of life.

2.2.11. Reaching the highest level of Consciousness and Morality. Mankind is moving to the next level of development – creation of the material world by the power of thought, spiritualization of matter on the way of formation of Nature’s thinking. Man is the basis and measure of everything.

2.3. Labor Pattern

2.3.1. The working day for all earthlings does not exceed 5 hours, which allows them to engage in self-education, creativity, arts, sciences, self-knowledge, FORMATION OF A HEALTHY AND NATURAL TYPE OF THINKING, time allocation for their families and children, which is the primary basis of a Healthy Society.

2.3.2. Labor within each Community (Society) for its members is provided in accordance with their physical, mental and spiritual abilities, taking into account the gross income of these Communities (Society) and is established by their management .

2.3.3. The amount of absolute remuneration through the calculation of the indicator of evaluation of efficiency and quality of management of the Communities (society) cooperative.

2.3.4. In the Society, Human Life lived for the benefit of oneself and the Society is the main value, which is defined as a unit of labor commodity hour of basic need in the collective for the Fair mutual exchange of goods and services between people, where the calculation of commodity hour of basic need in the collective is based on the value of goods and services created for the actual number of hours in the collective.

2.3.5. Labor provides a basic income to everyone to cover their basic needs, where the basic income and basic needs are defined and established in each Community (Community) by their Board.


Observance of the above Labor Pattern allows us to completely get away from wage labor and move to Creative Labor, where there are only collective owners united by the Self-Governance Pattern of Law of COP.

(People’s Sovereign Economy – PSE OHME)

3.1 Image and Purpose of Building a Just Economy
(People’s Sovereign Economy – PSE)

3.1.1. We create a New Fair Economic System in the United Humanity of Mother Earth on the basis of Cooperation, mutual assistance, mutual support in all spheres of activity for the benefit of all humanity and Planet Earth. For this purpose we are creating cooperatives and trade unions on the basis of cross-membership in the United International Union of Cooperation throughout the planet Earth, the purpose of which is to provide humanity with all the necessary means and resources for the good existence of all earthlings.

Only harmonious relations in harmony between people, between people and nature, and thus between people and the Creator, as well as various organizations, cooperatives, production enterprises and industrial complexes, countries and continents allow the whole world to prosper in all countries, which is our image of building Planet Earth, which is revealed in the following:

3.1.2. Humanity of the whole Earth is One Self-Governing Civilization (State of Power) with a planned economy based on the individual needs of each person and each country.

3.1.3. All the resources of the planet, all its minerals are distributed all over the planet as needed and in the right quantity for universal good interaction on the basis of Justice, mutual help and mutual support.

3.1.4. All productions, inventions, scientific and technical achievements, patents, ideas, educational and health care social methods are used for the benefit of the entire United Humanity of Mother Earth, taking into account the contributions made and excluding individual enrichment.

3.1.5. All natural resources of the earth shall be utilized wisely and as needed and distributed equitably throughout the earth to all peoples as they are needed.

3.1.6. The purpose of economic activity is to satisfy all material, mental and spiritual needs of every earthling by means of world planning of food production, clothing, Nature-appropriate social environment.

3.1.7. The goal of the Economy (People’s Economy) is to move from competition and parasitism based on the mechanism of money, profit and loan interest to Cooperation and mutual support through the mechanisms of taking into account the volume of material and spiritual needs of everyone and the necessary volume of personal labor participation of everyone in meeting the needs of communities. Design and development of a new social environment putting spiritual values at the head of people’s interests: continuous materialization of the sense of knowledge and the spirit of reasoning, spiritualization of matter, release and management of individual and collective psychoenergy (creation of Collective Mind).



4.1 Communities (life of the internal circuit)

Social protection of Communities (their Cooperatives)

4.1.1. Social protection of the obligation of the Communities (their Cooperatives) towards their community members :

4.1.2. Care for the elderly and children, persons with disabilities, care for the territory in which the Community (their Cooperative) carries out its activities is the duty of the Communities (their Cooperative).

4.1.3. The right of ownership of land property, housing, communal facilities, improvement facilities, health care, education facilities, means of production of local importance belongs to the local Community (their Cooperative).

4.1.4. The ownership of the objects used by Community Associations (their Cooperatives) of different levels belongs to their Community Associations (their Cooperatives) and is under their joint management.

Purposes of the Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions

4.1.5. The main purpose of the Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions is to satisfy their community members in material, mental and spiritual needs, contributing to the development and self-improvement of Man, which is disclosed in the following:

4.1.6. Provision of healthy and ecological food, clean water, clean air.

4.1.7. Provision of clothing, footwear, furniture, household items made primarily of natural materials with minimal harm to nature and humans, and as technology develops – without harm to nature and humans;

4.1.8. Provision of comfortable, cozy housing built in harmony and in balance with the natural landscape mainly from natural materials, other buildings and structures necessary for a full-fledged and harmonious life of a Person in harmony with the natural landscape.

4.1.9. Provision of energy obtained by methods causing minimal harm to nature and man, and as technologies develop – without harm to nature and man.

4.1.10. Providing community members with transportation that causes minimal harm to nature and humans, and as technology develops – without harm to nature and humans.

4.1.11. Providing community members with educational services, medical services, sanatorium-resort and tourist services that contribute to harmonious existence and human development.

4.1.12. Satisfying the needs of community members in cognition, in accession to the achievements of Culture and Art, in cognition of the beauty and harmonious balance of Planet Earth.

4.1.13. Satisfying the needs of community members in creativity, in self-realization, in self-improvement and development in self-knowledge.

4.1.14. Satisfying the needs of community members in finding joy and happiness, integrity.

Subject of activity of Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions

4.1.15. The subject of activities of Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions is:

4.1.16. Identification of causes of unfavorable impact on members of the Communities and other inhabitants of the planet Earth, interfering with their happiness, joy, development, self-improvement and elimination of these causes.

4.1.17. Identification of causes of destructive impact on nature and elimination of these causes.

4.1.18. Creating a harmonious and balanced image of a happy and joyful future and translating this image into reality.

4.1.19. Defining values, goals, ways and methods of achieving these goals for the communicants (members) of the Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions.

4.1.20. Creation of territorial development strategies, harmonious and balanced models of development of local Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions on the basis of cooperative-community principles (ways of life).

4.1.21. Provision of services on management, self-governance of enterprises, organizations on the basis of the Law of COP – cooperative-community principles (patterns).

4.1.22. Establishment of production, processing, collection, storage and marketing of agricultural and other products on the basis of organization Specialized on this issue (procurement offices).

4.1.23. Execution of construction works and rendering other services.

4.1.24. Sanatorium-resort and medical activities.

4.1.25. Other activities not prohibited by the legislation, based on personal labor and other participation of community members (members) of the Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions.

4.1.26. In addition to the listed items, Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions shall have the right to carry out any other types of activities not prohibited by law.

4.1.27. Activities for which, in accordance with the legislation, a special permit (license) is required shall be carried out by Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions if such permit (license) is available from the moment it is obtained.

Principles of cooperation in Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions

4.1.28. Activities of community members (members) of the Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions are based on the following cooperative and community principles in accordance with the Law of COP Statutes.

4.1.29. Voluntariness and openness of membership in the Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions, freedom to become members of various communities and freedom to sign out from membership in the communities.

4.1.30. The main purpose of the activities of Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions is not profit, but the disclosure of the creative and constructive potential of Man, the achievement of his material, mental and spiritual needs in prosperity and the application of his labor abilities for the benefit of himself and the entire Humanity.

4.1.31. All Communities and Communities shall strive in Unification with other Communities and Communities on terms of cooperation to fully provide all their members with healthy food, ecological housing, clothing, household items, transportation, clean energy, care for health, education, recreation, cultural development in the abundance of everything necessary.

4.1.32. Ability of the Community and community leadership to set clear socially significant goals and the ability to achieve them.

4.1.33. Regular growth in the quality of goods, works and services produced by Communities and societies .

4.1.34. Regular reduction of the cost of goods, works and services produced by Communities and Societies according to sound economic sense and transition to a new Fair Interchange of goods, works and services in all spheres of life.

4.1.35. Regular growth of incomes of all members of the Communities and Communities up to the necessary prosperity providing a full life in material, mental and spiritual planes.

4.1.36. The incomes of the governing bodies of the Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions are determined on the same principles as the incomes of the community members of the Societies (their Cooperatives) and their Unions.

4.1.37. Regular control of the working time of community members (members) of the Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions, determining the necessary minimum, directing the freed up time for self-development, self-improvement, and education of the future generation.

4.1.38. Principles of solving arising contradictions and discrepancies in assessments of the expediency of achieving the Goal of Unity of the United Humanity of Mother Earth and its Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions:

  • Criticizing – propose, 
  • Suggesting – fulfill,
  • When seeking fulfillment – have a decision,
  • Executing – response.


Of the united humanity of mother earth (UHME)

4.2.1. The Society of People of the UNITED HUMANITY OF MOTHER EARTH unites on the basis of the Moral and Ethical Values of this Declaration and promotes their dissemination and realization in reality to the best of its ability.

4.2.2. With a new Worldview of all earthlings and a new World Order based on cooperation, mutual assistance and mutual support, excluding any kind of competition, Humanity comes to live in Joy and Love, realizing itself in Nature as One Integral Organism, part of the One Universe.

4.2.3. Having studied and realized the ideology of the Universal World Understanding, people move from competition to Spiritual Cooperation, to joint creative actions for the common good and self-improvement.

4.2.4. The main goal of the Society is the spiritual formation of Man on the basis of realization of himself as a part of the Whole and deep understanding of his participation, Responsibility of his influence on the whole world, Interaction with all people on the basis of cooperation, mutual assistance, mutual support, mutual understanding, for the sake of the common good, education of Higher Human Qualities, feelings and Conscience in himself and his descendants.

4.2.5. All countries and states retain their borders and territorial designations, and there are no obstacles for free movement of its inhabitants on Planet Earth, every inhabitant of the planet can say about himself: “I am an Earthling” going to any point of the Earth for the purpose of traveling or learning the Culture and Traditions of different peoples.

4.2.6. Ownership of land and means of production, intellectual labor objects belongs to the whole human Society and are fairly distributed all over Planet Earth as needed and demanded.

4.2.7. Provision of the Society with UHME is made on the basis of distribution centers of the International Power Cooperation, which are replenished depending on the demand for certain goods or products. A part of things necessary for life are created by individual order of each earthling in the area of his residence.

4.2.8. Each person in the BSF Society is able to have his/her own house, provision with food and clothes, everything necessary for his/her favorable existence in this World! This World becomes a home of Love for each soul visiting it!

4.2.9. People pay maximum attention to their spiritual formation. The organization of living conditions ceases to be an absolute necessity.

4.2.10. The imaginary variety of goods with artificial aging periods is replaced by things made without harm to nature and society by the best craftsmen according to individual samples with the maximum possible service life.

4.2.11. Products are evaluated according to the criteria of health benefits, naturalness, freshness, and not according to the criteria of profitability.

4.2.12. The health care system is completely renewed to Nature’s Health.

4.2.13. Children’s boarding homes gradually cease to exist, as in a Healthy Society there should be no children without families, also with nursing homes. Abortions are forbidden !

4.2.14. In the basis of development, structuring at creation and distribution of gross income between production and social spheres of Communities (their Cooperatives) and their Unions on the basis of the principle of “Golden Section” (Application №1).


Nature and Nature Diversity.

5.1. Nature and animals are under special protection, everything taken from nature is renewed: trees are planted, rivers are kept clean after their cleansing, animals are protected.

5.2. Plastics made of polymerized plant components are used to produce biodegradable products with predetermined properties.

5.3. All technologies are nature-based, excluding harm to humans and nature.

5.4. Gradual transition from fossil hydrocarbons to nature-based energy.

5.5. Energy – local, accessible, unlimited, renewable, excluding harm to man and nature: cold fusion, hydrogen engines, electricity from renewable sources: sun, wind, water, biogas, alcohol.

5.6. Transportation – predominantly environmentally friendly and as safe as possible, excluding harm to man and nature.

5.7. Agriculture and all agricultural cooperatives use Nature-friendly technologies (SIDERATES AGRICULTURE), without the use of herbicides, pesticides, GMOs.

5.8. Revitalization of crops that bring maximum benefit to human health, as well as the use of crops in production and technological directions.

5.9. The whole territory of Planet Earth will return to its natural blooming appearance.

5.10. The main part of the population lives among natural landscapes, the architecture of cities is a kind of city garden-park. At the same time the ecological density of urban settlement is observed, which does not exceed to 10000 people, and new cities are built according to the garden city type with maximum greenery and minimum number of storey buildings.

5.11. The basis of nutrition is healthy and fresh food. In the process of spiritual and moral formation of each person there is a gradual transition to fresh plant food, excluding harm to man, nature and animals. Step-by-step and voluntary transition to ecological nutrition excluding harm to animals takes place as each person is ready, where in the process of transition habitual types of food are acceptable.

5.12. Thanks to the Natural Health System, the number of diseases and their manifestations are reduced to a minimum.

5.13. The health of the future: physical, mental (soul), moral and ethical (spiritual) is based on compliance with the principle: “Man is self-conscious matter“;

5.14. We are restoring the production of natural foodstuffs and correcting the ecology of the planet.

5.15. We reduce the amount of production and life activity wastes, exclude harmful industries that poison the ecology.


6.1. Ecology of Mother Earth Planet – all actions on Mother Earth Planet in consideration of observing the Ecology of Her Nature. 6.2 Ecology of Man and People – keeping the body clean (health and ecology) and the soul clean (psyche and communication).

6.2. Ecology of Man and people – keeping the body (health and ecology), soul (psyche and communication), spirit (thoughts and designs) of Mankind clean according to MORAL-ETHICAL VALUES taking into account the Culture, Tradition and Ancestral Patterns of each nation.

6.3. Healing – in the Worldview of the United Humanity of Mother Earth Healing is the restoration of the state of the Whole in Nature-formation, when the Nature of the Spirit (Thoughts and intentions), Soul (Psyche and Communication), Body (Health and Ecology) and the environment of Humanity and Mother Earth are in harmony and balance with each other.

6.4. Health Care – in the Worldview of the United Humanity of Mother Earth The purpose of Health Care is to protect and preserve the state of the Whole in Nature-formation, when the Nature of the Spirit (Thoughts and Intentions), Soul (Psyche and Communication), Body (Health and Ecology) and the environment of Humanity and Mother Earth are in harmony and balance with each other.

Once all nations achieve liberation from parasitic, demonic power one of the goals is to accomplish disarmament of all nations.


All of the above is stated in the present tense based on our intention stated here and triggering it to materialize.

A declaration in the process of the formation and refinement of the Lifesbuilding!

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